Coaches Catch Up

What a great start to the season. In the last few months the coaches have...

Coaches Catch Up
February Fings

Di & I were hosting a Super Academies Camp for 27 athletes from four Regional...

February Fings
WPFGames 2015

Someone went and put a race in the middle of my holiday… Due to various...

WPFGames 2015
New Year’s Day Triathlon

What a way to start 2015 – New Years Day Tri, Edinburgh  This race taught me...

New Year’s Day Triathlon
Mountain Bike Mash Ups

Gra has been getting down & dirty – here is a quick round up of...

Mountain Bike Mash Ups
Bournemouth Half Marathlon

The wheelchair race was won by another local boy, Daniel Cook of Poole cruising home...

Bournemouth Half Marathlon